Mian Abdullah Patwari Sanori

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Hazrat Abdullah Patwari Sanori (ra) was a companion of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), listed among the 313 companions.

Hazrat Mian Abdullah Patwari Sanori (ra) was born in 1861.

He was pious ever since his childhood and was fortunate to have the honour of being a part of the first Bai’at. He was privileged to have a close relationship with the Promised Messiah (as) by also witnessing the sign of red drops that fell on the clothes of the Promised Messiah (as).

He passed away in 1927 and was buried with the cloth that contained the red drops.

Mian Abdullah Patwari Sanori
Date of Birth 1861
Date of Demise 1927