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The book begins with a comparison of the miracles shown by Jesus and Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).

The author answered a great number of objections raised by his opponents.

He compared the strong language occasionally used by him in his writings and discussed its necessity and justification. Then he explained the meaning of the signs and the prophecies mentioned in the scriptures relating to the second advent of the Messiah and showed that they had all been fulfilled in his person. The death and the alleged resurrection of Jesus are fully discussed in the light of the Christian and Muslim scriptures. He advanced valuable and definite criteria with which the truth of his claim could be tested and false Messiahs could be easily identified.

In short, in this book, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) called men to God and invited all mankind to enter His Kingdom. And, it is most remarkable that when this book was being written and his enemies were proud of their strength and thought that they would grind him to powder, the Mighty Lord gave him repeated assurances of His favour and support.

The book also included a commentary on 30 verses of the Holy Quran and a number of well-known Ahadith to prove that Jesus Christ died a natural death. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) also discussed the true import of the words Nuzul and Tawaffi and the reality of Gog and Magog.

He offered a prize of Rs. 1,000 to anyone who could disprove his arguments and bring other meanings of Nuzul and Tawaffi to what he did. Part II of the book, among other things, laid down ten conditions of the bai‘at.

(Taken from the book, An introduction to the hidden treasures of Islam, pg 51-54)

Author Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)
Publication Date 1891