It was started by the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) himself and its full name is Langar Khāna Ḥaḍrat Masīḥ Mau‘ūd. It cares for visitors and seekers after truth who come to the Markaz. It also cares for members of the Jamā‘at who visit the Markaz for miscellaneous purposes. Adequate arrangements for board and lodging for such persons exist in the Langar Khāna (also known as Dāruḍ Ḍiyāfat). It is managed by Nāẓir Ḍiyāfat.
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as), while describing the five branches for the propagation of Islam in his book, Fath-e-Islam ['The Victory of Islam'], writes about the third branch as follows:
“The third branch of this movement is those people who travel and visit in search of truth and other different reasons, and those who after getting the news of this Heavenly movement come to meet me. This branch is also continuously developing. Although on some days less, but on the other days a large number of people start coming. For example, during the past seven years, slightly more than 60,000 guests may have come. How many of these active people may have spiritually benefited from the speeches, and how many of them may have found a solution for difficulties and may have overcome their weaknesses, only God knows.”
The objective for which the Langar Khana was established was that there be proper boarding and lodging arrangement for those guests who travelled in search of truth and the others who visited Qadian due to some other reasons and that they did not feel uncomfortable in any way. Thus, the Promised Messiah (as) laid down the foundation of Langar Khana which would accommodate them and provide free hospitality to them.
The Langar Khana has its roots in the kitchen of Hazrat Syeda Nusrat Jehan Begum, the noble wife of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). For the guests that would visit the Promised Messiah (as), food was prepared in this kitchen at home which meant that it was directly under the supervision of the Promised Messiah (as).
Later, as the number of guests multiplied manifold, separate arrangements had to be made. This was where cooking on a mass level was carried out to serve the guests that would come to Qadian in their thousands. Even then, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) would personally keep himself updated with what was being cooked, and also that those with special dietary requirements were being served appropriately.
As the community spread further throughout the world, many of its missions also established their respective Langar Khana or Dar-uz-Ziafat, the three most well-established of them being in India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom.
Moreover, temporary Langar Khanas are set up at large events such as Jalsa Salana, the annual gathering of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
Further reading:
- The third branch for the propagation of Islam: accommodating the guests — Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, “Fath-e-Islam” in Ruhani Khazain: Volume 3, (Tilford: Islam International Publications Limited, 2009), 14. [UR │ EN]
- The importance and benefits of Langar Khana - the Free Kitchen of the Promised Messiah (as) — Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, “Tazkiratus-Shahadatain” in Ruhani Khazain: Volume 20, (*****, 2008), 76-80. [UR │ EN]
- Langar Khana - A Divine Sign — Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, “Haqiqat-ul-Wahi” in Ruhani Khazain: Volume 22, (*****, 2008), 290. [UR │ EN]
- Income and Expenditure of Langar Khana —Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, “Chashma-e-Marfat” in Ruhani Khazain: Volume 23, (*****, 2008), 406. [UR]
- Patience with non-Ahmadi or non-Muslim guests — Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Malfuzat: Volume 4, (London, Islam International Publications Limited, 2016), 202. [UR]
- Utmost care and respect for guests — Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Malfuzat: Volume 5, (London, Islam International Publications Limited, 2016), 111. [UR]
- Individual needs of the guests — Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Malfuzat: Volume 5, (London, Islam International Publications Limited, 2016), 258. [UR]
- Hospitality of known as well as unfamiliar guests — Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Malfuzat: Volume 5, (London, Islam International Publications Limited, 2016), 353. [UR]
- An appeal for funds for Langar Khana — Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Majum'a Ishtigharat: Volume 3, (Qadian: Nazarat Nashr-o-Isha'at, 2019), 254. [UR]
- Significance of hospitality during Jalsa — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 1, (London, Islam International Publications Limited, ****), 183. [UR │ EN]
- Rights & responsibilities of guests & hosts — examples of the Holy Prophet (sa) and his Companions (ra) — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 2, (London, Islam International Publications Limited, ****), 503. [UR │ EN]
- The Hospitality of the Holy Prophet (sa) — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 3, (*****), 429. [UR │ EN]
- Responsibilities of guests — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 3, (*****), 445. [UR │EN]
- Jalsa Salana & hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 4, (*****), 361. [UR │ EN]
- Guests & hosts: the etiquette & responsibilities — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 4, (*****), 371. [UR │ EN]
- On hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 5, (*****), 297. [UR │ EN]
- Responsibilities of guests — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 5, (*****), 307. [UR │ EN]
- On hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 6, (Qadian, Fazl-e-Umar Printing Press, 2013), 281. [UR │ EN]
- On hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 7, (*****), 322. [UR │ EN]
- Responsibilities of guests — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 7, (*****), 334. [UR │ EN]
- On hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 8, (*****), 383. [UR │ EN]
- On hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 8, (*****), 394. [UR │ EN]
- Importance of hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 9, (Qadian, Fazl-e-Umar Printing Press, 2016), 348. [UR │ EN]
- Importance of hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 10, (*****), 522. [UR │ EN]
- Importance of hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 11, (*****), 469. [UR │ EN]
- Importance of hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 12, (*****), 506. [UR │ EN]
- Importance of hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 12, (*****), 518. [UR │ EN]
- Jalsa Salana & hospitality — Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Masroor: Volume 13, (*****), 478. [UR │ EN]
- Not available as part of Khutbat-e-Masroor as of July 2021:
- Hospitality — Friday Sermon, 5 August 2016 [UR │ EN]
- Hospitality — Friday Sermon, 12 August 2016 [UR │ EN]
- Hospitality — Friday Sermon, 21 July 2017 [UR │ EN]
- Hospitality — Friday Sermon, 28 July 2017 [UR │ EN]
- Hospitality — Friday Sermon, 3 August 2018 [UR │ EN]
- Hospitality — Friday Sermon, 7 September 2018 [UR │ EN]
- Hospitality — Friday Sermon, 2 August 2019 [UR │ EN]
- Not available as part of Khutbat-e-Masroor as of July 2021:
- [UK Jama'at's Hospitality] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 1, (*****, 2004), 149. [UR │ EN]
- [Rights of guests] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 1, (*****, 2004), 347. [UR │ EN]
- [Responsibilities of hospitality] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 2, (*****, 2005), 639. [UR │ EN]
- [Valuable advice for the guests and hosts of Jalsa Salana] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 5, (*****, 2009), 449. [UR │ EN]
- [Valuable advice for the guests and hosts of Jalsa Salana] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 6, (*****), 465. [UR │ EN]
- [Valuable advice for the guests and hosts of Jalsa Salana] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 7, (*****), 483. [UR │ EN]
- [Valuable advice for the guests and hosts of Jalsa Salana] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 8, (*****), 561. [UR │ EN]
- [Valuable advice for the guests and hosts of Jalsa Salana] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 9, (*****), 411. [UR │ EN]
- [Hospitality of the Promised Messiah (as)] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 11, (*****), 495. [UR │ EN]
- [Rights & responsibilities of guests and hosts] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 13, (*****), 491. [UR │ EN]
- [Responsibilities of guests and hosts according to the Holy Quran] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 14, (*****), 519. [UR │ EN]
- [Jamaat Ahmadiyya exemplary hospitality] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 15, (*****), 555. [UR │ EN]
- [Spread of Ahmadiyyat and Hospitality] Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Tahir: Volume 15, (*****), 673. [UR │ EN]
- Not available as part of Khutbat-e-Tahir as of July 2021:
- [Serve the guests 24/7] Hadhrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Nasir: Volume 2, (London, Islam International Publications Limited, 2006), 433. [UR │ EN]
- [Offer rooms for guests] Hadhrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Nasir: Volume 5, (London, Islam International Publications Limited, 2007), 329. [UR │ EN]
- [Hospitality at Jalsa Salana] Hadhrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Nasir: Volume 6, (London, Islam International Publications Limited, 2007), 195. [UR │ EN]
- [Do not inconvenience the guests and be an excellent example for them] Hadhrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Nasir: Volume 7, (*****), 491. [UR │ EN]
- [Prepare yourselves to serve the guests with sincerity] Hadhrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Nasir: Volume 8, (*****), 701. [UR │ EN]
- Not available as part of Khutbat-e-Nasir as of July 2021:
- In progress...
- Not available as part of Khutbat-e-Nasir as of July 2021:
- [Responsibilities of Ahmadis of Qadian during the period of Jalsa Salana] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 6, (*****), 167. [UR │ EN]
- [Hospitality - Honouring the guest] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 6, (*****), 347. [UR │ EN]
- [Responsibilities of guests and Jalsa organisers] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 6, (*****), 561. [UR │ EN]
- [Hospitality - Honouring the guest] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 6, (*****), 575. [UR │ EN]
- [Hospitality] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 7, (*****), 125. [UR │ EN]
- [Good treatment of guests] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 7, (*****), 430. [UR │ EN]
- [Offer rooms for Jalsa guests] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 10, (*****), 286. [UR │ EN]
- [Important instructions regarding hospitality] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 13, (*****), 304. [UR │ EN]
- [Hospitality] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 32, (*****), 251. [UR │ EN]
- [Offer your houses and services for the guests] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 33, (*****), 361. [UR │ EN]
- [People of Rabwah should serve the guests as much as possible] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 36, (*****), 300. [UR │ EN]
- [Timely payment of Chanda Jalsa Salana for hospitality] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 37, (*****), 512. [UR │ EN]
- [People of Rabwah should present their houses for Jalsa guests as much as possible] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 38, (*****), 242. [UR │ EN]
- [Jalsa hospitality and the responsibility of the people of Rabwah] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 39, (*****), 230. [UR │ EN]
- [Some responsibilities of Jalsa guests] Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khutbat-e-Mahmood: Volume 39, (*****), 291. [UR │ EN]
- [Khutbat-e-Nur to follow...]
Al Hakam Articles
- Memories of Duty in Langar Khana: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa)
- The Jalsa Salana Red Book
- Hospitality: A Special Trait of the Prophets
- Roots of Langar Khana in the Kitchen of Hazrat Amma Jan (ra)
- Hospitality and Jalsa Salana UK 2019
- The Promised Messiah’s (as) Announcement Regarding Langar Khana
- Expenditures for Langar Increasing Day by Day
- Where Stars Descend – Chapter 8 (Blessed Time) – Part 2
- Final Days of the Promised Messiah (as)
- Cherished Memories of Jalsa Salana Qadian: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa)
- A Beloved Remembered: The Promised Messiah (as
MTA (YouTube Video)
- A History of Langar Khana
- Documentary on Langar Khana: Jalsa Canada 2017
- Introduction to Langar Khana and Dispensary: Jalsa UK 1998
- How Langar Started in the USA
- Langar Khana Food Preparation at Jalsa Salana UK
- Jalsa Salana UK 2013: Langar
- Jalsa Salana UK 2013: Roti Plant
- A Day in the life of a Degcha Pot Jalsa UK 2015
- Jalsa Salana UK 2017: Langar Interaction
- Jalsa Salana USA 2019: Tour of Langar
Review of Religions Articles:
al-Fazl Articles [UR]:
- اور آج میں ایک دنیا کو کھلانے والا بن گیا ہوں
- مراکز احمدیت کی ترقیات اور خدمتِ انسانیت: مہمان خانہ اور لنگر خانہ
- لنگر خانہ کا انتظام
- یَاْتُوْنَ مِنْ کُلِّ فَجٍّ عَمِیْقٍ
- جلسہ سالانہ قادیان کی انمول یادیں
- جلسہ سالانہ کی تاریخ سے چند ایمان افروز واقعات
- آؤ لوگو کہ یہیں نورِ خدا پاؤ گے
- لنگر خانہ میں ڈیوڈی کی یادیں
- حضرت مصلح موعودؓ اور اشاعت قرآن
- حضرت مصلح موعود رضی اللہ عنہ کی قیادت میں قادیان دارالامان سے ہجرت اور قیام ربوہ
- قبولیت دعا حضرت اقدس مسیح موعودعلیہ الصلوٰۃ و السلام
- آخری حربہ دعا ہے : حضرت مسیح موعودؑ کی معجزانہ قبولیتِ دعا کے واقعات
- حضرت مصلح موعودؓ کے بیان فرمودہ بعض روح پرورواقعات
- حضرت اقدس مسیح موعود علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام کا 250؍ روپیہ والا کشف کیسے پورا ہوا
- حضرت اقدس مسیح موعود علیہ الصلوٰۃ و السلام کیا کھاتے تھے؟
- اسبابِ ہجرتِ قادیان ،لاہور میں عارضی قیام اور نئے مرکز کی تلاش
- ربوہ میں پہلا جلسہ سالانہ اور پہلا مرکزی ادارہ یعنی دارلضیافت
Other Articles: