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One of the oldest weekly newspaper in the Indian subcontinent published in the Urdu language, weekly Al-Badr was established during the life of the Promised Messiah (Peace be upon him) on 31st October 1902. Later the Promised Messiah (Peace be upon him) named it as “Al-Qādiān”. Whereas in April 1905 this newspaper was renamed as “Badr”.

Badr was successfully published until December 1913. Then after a long interval it was re-launched from Qādiān on 7th March 1952. Apart from Urdu, Badr is now published from India, in 7 Indian languages namely Hindi, Bangla, Odia, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada. The Promised Messiah (Peace be upon him) termed Al-Ḥakam and Badr as his two arms.

Hazrat Muhammad Afzal (ra) was its first editor and after his death, the role was given to Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq (ra). 

First Editor Muhammad Afzal
First Issue Date 31 October 1902
Initial Language Urdu