The Daily Al-Fazl

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Al Fazl newspaper was launched on 18 June 1913, by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), with the permission of Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddin (ra), Khalifatul Masih I.

It was initially published from Qadian, but after the partition of India, it was published from Lahore, and later started publication from Rabwah as a daily newspaper. Its publications got suspended many times by the government of Pakistan. The print edition was last published on 5th December 2016 due to the ban in Pakistan.

On 13th December 2019 Ḥaḍrat Khalīfatul Masīḥ V launched the online daily edition which is available on mobile app and website

The Daily Al-Fazl
First Editor Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra)
First Issue Date 18 June 1913
Initial Language Urdu