Seerat-un-Nabi Jalsas

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As the year 1927 had seen huge anti-Islam rhetoric across India, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra) initiated a great scheme of holding Seerat-un-Nabi Jalsas - event on the great life of Prophet Muhammad (sa). He stated:

“The reason why people dare to attack [the Holy Prophet (sa)] is that they are unaware of the true circumstances of his life […] This has only one remedy, which is to deliver as many lectures with such emphasis that every person of India should become aware of his purity and life’s circumstances … So it is our obligation to make all the Muslims and non-Muslims of India aware of the pure life of the Holy Prophet (sa). On the same day each year, this matter needs to be highlighted with special arrangement.” (Al Fazl, 10 January 1928, pp. 1-2)

At first, the date for the jalsa was announced to be 20 June 1928, but it was later changed to 17 June.

Upon Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra) instruction, Al Fazl published a Khatamun-Nabiyyin special on 12 June 1928, which consisted of articles by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), Ahmadi scholars, non-Ahmadi scholars, leaders and non-Muslims as well. It also included a few na‘ts (poems in praise of the Prophet [sa]) as well. 7,000 copies were published at first, but due to high demand, more copies were published. Many newspapers appreciated the initiative of the jalsas and after proving successful throughout India, the press published applauding headlines. The Mashriq newspaper of Gorakhpur, on 21 June 1928, stated:

“This date [of seerat-un-Nabi jalsas] will be remembered in India forever because on this date, every Muslim sect commemorated His Highness, the chief of both worlds, Muhammad Rasulullah (sa) in one aspect or another … Anyway, we congratulate Imam Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, respected Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, on the success of the jalsa held on 17 June. If Shias, Sunnis and Ahmadis gathered at one place two to four times each year, then no power in this country could compete with Islam.”

Seerat-un-Nabi Jalsas
Launched By Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra)
Date of Launch 1927